Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 8 минут 04 секунды
Это продолжение урока о форме прошедшего времени глагола BE. Здесь нам предстоит рассмотреть те же самые глаголы в вопросительных предложениях. Послушайте разговор Дженнифер и Наташи.
— I know yesterday your husband and your son were at the beach. My question can be Were you at the beach?
— Yes.
— You were at the beach?
— Yes… Ah, no, wasn’t. I wasn’t.
— Okay. So, when I ask my question… this is (I) my subject, and this is (was) my verb… I’m going to switch them. Right? So first we have our verb, and second we have our subject. So the question can be… “Were you at the beach?” And you answer was “No, I wasn’t.” Was your husband at the beach?(Когда мы задаем вопрос, подлежащее I и глагол was нужно поменять местами. Сначала глагол — потом подлежащее).
— Yes, he was.
— These can be your short answers. You can ask me a question.
— Were you at the store?
— No, I wasn’t at the store.
— Were you outside?
— Yes, I was.
— If I’m asking about your husband, I don’t say were, I say was: was he. Yesterday was Sunday. Was he at work yesterday?
— No, he wasn’t.
— How about your children? Were they at school yesterday?
— No, they wasn’t. (Внимание: Наташа делает ошибку, вместо глагола единственного числа нужен глагол во множественном).
— Aha. What do we say with “Were they…?” So, no, they were not. You could say were not or weren’t.
— They weren’t.
— Do you want to ask about my children or my husband?
— Was Kostya at work yesterday?
— No, he wasn’t at work, but.. maybe he worked a little last night. But no, he was not at work.
— Was children… (Это опять неправильное употребление числа).
— Aha, so my children or your children: were – your – children…
— Were your children outside?
— Oh, yes. A lot. Were your children at school?
— No, they weren’t.
— Where were they? Uh-huh. So here’s my question. These are yes-no questions. If I ask the question Where…? (“where” can go first). Where was/were …? So where were your children? (Если в вопросе есть вопросительное слов, то его ставим на первое место: Where were…).
— He… he.. my son was at the beach. My daughter was outside.
— Okay. Your son was at the beach, your daughter was outside. And you were outside with your daughter, and your husband was at the beach. Okay.
Давайте систематизируем наши знания о вопросах в глаголом BE в прошедшем времени.
- Общий вопрос, который начинается с глагола was. Например, Was she at home? -Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t (краткие ответы).
- Общий вопрос, который начинается с were. Например, Were they at home? Краткие ответы: —Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
- Специальные вопросы, которые начинаются с вопросительного слова where. Например, Where were you? Where was he?
Вот несколько возможных ответов на вопрос Where?
At home – дома
at work — на работе
at school — в школе
at the beach — на пляже
at the store — в магазине
inside/outside — в помещении / на улице.
Сделайте вопросы полными, употребив в них формы глагола be в прошедшем времени. Сначала прочитайте предложение самостоятельно, потом послушайте мой ответ и проверьте себя.
- __ you at the beach yesterday? — No, I wasn’t. I was at home.
- __ Jennifer at the store? — No, she wasn’t. Her husband and her son were at the store.
- __ Jennifer at home in the evening? -Yes, she was. She was with her family.
- __ you outside yesterday morning? — No, I wasn’t. I was at school.
Ваша очередь. Ответьте на вопрос Where were you yesterday?
Используйте такие подсказки:
I was…
My family was…
My friends and I were…