«Other» и «another» — это два разных слова, которые используются в английском языке с разными целями.
«Other» используется для указания на что-то, что отличается от того, что уже упоминалось ранее или что-то, что не входит в определенную категорию. Например:
- I have a blue car and a red car. The other car is black. (У меня есть синяя и красная машины. Другая машина черная.)
- I like apples, but I don’t like any other fruit. (Мне нравятся яблоки, но я не люблю никакие другие фрукты.)
«Another» используется для указания на что-то, что является дополнительным или похожим на уже упомянутое. Например:
- I’ve already eaten an apple. Can I have another one? (Я уже съел яблоко. Можно мне еще одно?)
- I don’t like this shirt. Can you show me another one? (Мне не нравится эта рубашка. Вы не могли бы показать мне другую?)
Таким образом, «other» используется для указания на что-то другое, отличное от уже упомянутого, в то время как «another» используется для указания на что-то дополнительное или похожее на уже упомянутое.
План урока:
- 0:00 Introduction.
- 0:54 Other vs. Another
- 3:03 Using numbers and quantifiers
- 4:20 The other vs. other
- 7:03 Quiz
- 12:37 Thanks
Вот еще несколько примеров использования «other» и «another»:
Примеры с «other»:
- I have two cats, but the other one ran away. (У меня две кошки, но другая убежала.)
- She wants to try something other than pizza for dinner. (Она хочет попробовать что-то, отличное от пиццы, на ужин.)
- The book was interesting, but the other one in the series was even better. (Книга была интересной, но другая книга в серии была еще лучше.)
Примеры с «another»:
- I’ve finished my coffee. Can I have another cup, please? (Я выпил свой кофе. Могу я попросить еще чашку?)
- She didn’t like that movie, so she decided to watch another one instead. (Ей не понравился тот фильм, поэтому она решила посмотреть другой.)
- He ate one slice of cake and then asked for another piece. (Он съел одну кусочек торта и потом попросил еще один.)
Надеюсь, эти примеры помогут вам лучше понять разницу между «other» и «another» и их использование в предложениях.
Расшифровка видео-урока «OTHER и ANOTHER»
Hi, everyone. I’m Jennifer from English with Jennifer. You know, I’d like to put on an old favorite pair of earrings, but I think I’d look strange. You see? The one earring is fine, but the other is missing a piece. It fell off somewhere. I can’t bring myself to throw the pair away, so I’ve decided to hold on to both earrings for now. It’s okay. I don’t have to wear these. I could always wear another pair because I have a lot of earrings. In this lesson, we’ll make sure you understand the difference between the words OTHER and ANOTHER. They both can refer to an addition, so we’ll have to review when we use one and, well, not the other. You see, if we have two things, two groups, two people, we can refer to one or the other. «The other» means the second one, the other one. Like the other earring that belongs to this pair. If I choose another pair of earrings, they’ll be different. The word «another» has two meanings: more or different. Maybe after this grammar video, you’ll want to watch another. You can watch one more, one more lesson. And if you watch another video, it will likely be on another topic — a different topic. Notice how I can use «another» all alone because it can be a pronoun. Watch another. You know what I’m referring to: another video. So I can also use «another» before a noun because «another» can function as a determiner. Watch another video. Also, we usually use «another» with a singular noun. I can talk about another video, but not «another videos.» However, I can talk about other videos. «Other» can be used with a singular or plural noun. Here’s the good earring. The other earring is missing a piece. Sadly, my other earrings aren’t as pretty as these. Notice how I used «other» after a possessive adjective: my other earrings. I can’t do that with the word «another.» I can’t say «my another earring.» Why? «Other» can be a pronoun, determiner, or an adjective. Not this one but the other. Not you. I mean other people. Not that brother. It’s my other brother. It gets a little tricky when we start using numbers and quantifiers. Look at the possible patterns. Number or quantifier + other + plural noun. I have many other videos. Three other videos are specifically on the parts of speech. Another + number or quantifier + plural noun. If you want a new grammar video, you’ll have to wait another couple of weeks. Maybe another three weeks. Not only is the word order different, but think about the difference in meaning. When I talk about my other videos, they’re in a collection, so there’s a limited number. There are a lot of them, but it’s a limited number of videos. When I talk about needing another two weeks or another three weeks to make a new grammar video, there really isn’t a limited number or a limited amount of time. I could add another day and then another and then another. Remember the importance of the definite article, which helps us make a specific reference. When I talk about the other videos in my grammar playlist, it’s a specific reference to the rest of the videos in that collection. Compare: Other grammar videos on YouTube may also be helpful. «Other» without the definite article is a reference to all the rest — all those videos outside my playlist, videos not included in my collection. Does that make sense? Let me give you some more examples. Have you ever heard about eating contests? The concept is funny and awful at the same time. There’s one in New York called Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Contest, where people try to eat as many hot dogs as they can in 10 minutes, so you can watch a contestant eat a hot dog really fast and then another and then another and then another. There’s no limit. I think the record is like 60 or 70 hot dogs! A contestant might be thinking, «Yeah, I can need another 20 hot dogs.» Another + number + plural noun. So, while one person is eating a lot of hot dogs, a couple dozen other contestants are doing the same thing. Number or quantifier + other + plural noun. There’s a limited number of contestants each year. If I know the exact number, I could use a different pattern, another pattern. You can focus on one contestant because the other 29 contestants are doing the same thing. The other + number + plural noun I’m using «the other» to mean the rest, the rest of the people in that group, and it’s a limited number of people. I’m not exactly sure. In my example, I used 30, so I think it’s around there. We can focus on one or two and then talk about the rest, the rest of those contestants, the other 28 the other 27. Okay. Well, just thinking about a hot dog eating contest can make you feel sick. Right? So let’s choose another topic, a different one. I’d like to tell you a little bit about my trip to Paris. I’d like you to complete my sentences with the correct words. 1. We visited the Eiffel Tower soon after we arrived. There are two lines to buy tickets. One is for the elevator. The other is for the stairs. We chose the stairs. What a workout! 2. On our second day, Wednesday, we took a boat ride on the Seine and visited Petit Palais. Of course, there are many museums in Paris, so you may be tempted to say, «Oh, is that just another museum?» But Petit Palais is worth visiting. It has a beautiful interior and interesting exhibits. Oh and it’s also free! 3. At night, we went up to the roof of Arc de Triomphe. We had seen the city from the Eiffel Tower, but this was another way to enjoy the city at night. 4. On Thursday, we spent the day at the Louvre. We couldn’t see everything, but we did see the Mona Lisa. Everyone wants to see her. I think about a hundred other people were in the room with us trying to get a good look at Leonardo da Vinci’s painting. 5. We fit in a trip to a glitzy department store called the Galeries Lafayette Haussmann. When you’re in Paris, you can easily come up with one reason or another to go shopping. My kids wanted new sunglasses, and I needed some makeup. 6. It seemed like our days were full of one metro ride after another. One late night ride took us to Jason’s home. Our families met for the first time. 7. On Friday, we did quite a few things. We went to the famous Luxembourg Gardens. We relaxed and watched kids sail boats. We also visited the Catacombs, which other people might find strange, but we appreciated the experience. 8. On Saturday, we went to Versailles. It was beautiful. We saw as much as we could, but we’ll have to return another time to see more. 9. On Sunday, we had time for two excursions. First, we checked out the Opera House. The other tour required a lot more time. We visited the Army Museum, including Napoleon’s tomb. 10. There were a few other small trips we squeezed in. We managed to visit a lovely park called Parc des Buttes Chaumont. Well, how did you do? Well, we can always practice more another time. That’s all for now. Please remember to like and share the video if you found the lesson useful. Remember to subscribe and remember you can join as a YouTube member if you’d like to support my channel and join the monthly live stream. As always, thanks for watching and happy studies! I’d like to say a special thanks to a Kind-Hearted Patron. Phakin Deesee pledged two dollars a month. Thank you! And thank you to all my patrons on Patreon and all my YouTube members. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Patreon. And don’t forget to subscribe here on YouTube. Turn on those notifications.