Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 9 минут 21 секунда
Формы прошедшего времени глагола be рассмотрены здесь на «новичковом» уровне, так чтобы было понятно русской ученице Дженнифер — Наташе. Послушайте их разговор.
— Good morning, Natasha.
— Good morning, Jennifer.
— How are you today?
— Fine, thanks. And you?
— I’m doing good. Yesterday was a special day. Yesterday was your birthday.
— Yes.
— Because yesterday was your birthday, today I say, “Happy belated birthday!” Because your birthday was before. If today is your birthday, I say, “Happy birthday!” But yesterday was your birthday, so happy belated birthday! (Поскольку день рождения был вчера, я поздравляю тебя словами: «С прошедшим днем рождения!»)
— That’s for you.
— Thank you.
— You’re welcome. Please open it. Every student needs a notebook.
— Thank you very much.
— You’re welcome.
— I study English. (обратите внимание: Наташа имеет в виду, что будет изучать язык, но пропускает глагол будущего времени)
— You will study English. Good. So yesterday was your birthday. And yesterday was a beautiful day.
— Yes. The weather is nice. (Наташа говорит о вчерашнем дне, но употребляет глагол is. Обратите внимание, что Дженнифер поправит ее).
— The weather is nice today. And the weather…
— … the weather was nice.
— Yes. It was a nice day yesterday. The weather was nice. It was a nice day. It was a beautiful day. I was outside yesterday. Were you outside?
— Yes, I was outside.
— You were outside, too, because it was so beautiful, it was so warm. And today is, too. I’m happy. Spring is here.
— Yes.
— Winter was nice, but it was cold. And now spring is here. So today we’re going to talk about the verb BE, but in the past we have two forms: was – were. (в прошедшем времени есть две формы этого глагола)
— Was, was…. were…
— It’s a lot of movement. Was – were. So we only have two forms. And we said, for example, “I was outside.” And I asked you “Were you outside?” And you said “Yes.” You were outside. I was – we also use this one with he, she and it. You were – they were. So we have two forms: was – were. Yesterday. The weather was lovely – it was a lovely day. Let’s talk about where our families were. Yesterday was Sunday. Was your husband at work?
— No.
— Where was he?
— He was at home. He was at the beach.
— Oh, he was at the beach. With…
— … son. They were at the beach.
— Wonderful. I love the beach.
— Okay.
— I wasn’t at the beach. But your husband and your son were at the beach.
— How about you and your daughters? Were you at the beach?
— No. We were outside.
— Very good. Okay. So were not (the short form) becomes weren’t. You could say, “We weren’t at the beach.” We weren’t at the beach, we were outside.
Давайте обобщим все то, что мы узнали о формах прошедшего времени глагола BE. Послушайте и повторите.
I was you were
he was we were
she was they were
it was.
И отрицательная форма: was not = wasn’t; were not = weren’t.
Запомните 3 новых слова: inside (внутри, в помещении), outside (на улице, не в помещении), beach (пляж).
Упражнение. Дополните предложения нужными формами глагола BE в прошедшем времени. Сделайте это самостоятельно, потом послушайте правильный ответ для самопроверки.
- Yesterday was beautiful. It __ (not) cold or cloudy. It __ a warm, sunny day.
- Natasha and her daughters __ (not) inside all day. She said, “We __ outside in the morning.”
- Mr. Dolgov and his son __ (not) at home in the afternoon. They __ at the beach.
- Jennifer __ outside yesterday, but she said, “I __ (not) at the beach.”
Теперь ваша очередь. Ответьте на вопросы:
Was the weather nice yesterday?
Were you outside a lot yesterday?
Were you at school or work yesterday?