Который час?

Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 15 минут 16 секунд

В этом уроке мы научимся называть время. Послушайте разговор Дженнифер и Наташи.

—        Natasha, do you wear a watch? (Наташа, носишь ли ты часы? — спрашивает Дженнифер. Обратите внимание, что тут речь идет о часах, которые носятся на себе: watch).

—        I don’t have a watch.

—        I don’t have a watch either. To tell time, I look at my cell phone. See? It’s nine forty-eight. Do you look at your cell phone?

—        No, I look around.

—        You look around. Do you have clocks in every room? (clock – те часы, которые находятся в комнате: на стене, на столе и так далее).

—        Yes.

—        Oh, you do. So you look at the clock. I look at my cell phone. When I work at the computer, I look at the clock on the computer… a lot. So we now are going to practice telling time.

Telling time

—        When you want to know the time, what’s the question?

—        What time is it?

—        What time is it? And, of course, if you ask a stranger, you would say, “Excuse me. What time is it?” All right. Let’s start with easy times. If I write… like this… 9.00.

—        Nine o’clock?

—        Nine o’clock.

—        It’s nine a.m.?

—        Good. Okay. It’s nine o’clock, and right now it’s morning. So we can say it’s nine a.m. because a.m means “in the morning”. What if I change it to p.m? What does that mean?

—        In the evening. So if it’s nine p.m., it’s evening. If it’s nine a.m., it’s morning. So right now you can say, “It’s nine o’clock.” “It’s around nine o’clock.” Very good. Let’s change this – 9 : 15.  What time is it? (утреннее время обозначается буквами a.m., вечернее p.m.).

—        It’s nine fifteen.

—        Very good. The easiest way to answer the question is… nine-fifteen. But do you know another way?

—        Quarter past nine.

—        Good. You say past. Sometimes people say after. It doesn’t matter (можно сказать past или after, это не имеет значения). So the easiest answer is nine-fifteen. But you can also say, “It’s quarter past nine” or “It’s quarter after nine.” If you look at the clock, for the first half we use past and after. Let’s change it to 9 : 25. What time is it?

—        It’s nine twenty-five.

—        It’s nine twenty-five or twenty-five past nine. So there are different ways you can answer. I could say it’s nine-ten or ten past nine, ten after nine. Let’s change this to 9 : 30.

—        It’s nine-thirty.

—        Yes. Nine-thirty. But do we say “thirty past”?

—        No. Half past.

—        Very good. Because it’s half the clock. We say, “Half past nine.” With half past nine we do not say “after”. (половина часа — мы употребляем только past: half past…). It’s half past nine. It’s nine-thirty. Since we’re still talking about this half…. how would you read this 9 : 08? What time is it?

—        It’s nine-o-eight.

—        We don’t really write this. We say it (мы не пишем, а только говорим так). It’s nine-o-eight. Or it’s eight after… You can say, “It’s a little after nine.” Now let’s talk about this half. 9 : 45. What time is it?

—        It’s nine forty-five.

—        Good.

Понятно ли вам это? Мы используем past для первой части часа. Например, 9.15 — это fifteen/quarter past nine/quarter after nine.

Мы используем to для второй части часа. Например, 9.45 – quarter to ten/quarter till ten.


Видеоурок:  «Любовь» и ее синонимы

—        And of course there are two important times you cannot confuse, 12 : 00 p.m. and 12 : 00 a.m. What time is this?

—        Noon.

—        Very good. It’s noon. And this?

—        It’s midnight. When you’re sleeping (I hope!). What time is it? In’s noon. It’s midnight. Let’s try with a clock. This is not my clock. Is this your clock? Whose clock is this?

—         It’s my son’s clock.

—        Can we use it?

—        Yes.

—        You know, this shows seconds… minutes… hours (обратите внимание, Дженнифер показывает стрелки, о которых говорит). 10 : 00. What time is it?

—        Ten o’clock.

—        10 : 15. What time is it?

—        Ten fifteen.

—        10 : 30. What time is it?

—        Ten thirty. Or half past ten.

—        10 : 45. What time is it?

—        Ten forty-five. Or quarter to nine.

—        If it’s ten forty-five, it’s quarter to eleven. Let’s try this. It’s eleven o’clock. 11 : 05. What time is it now?

—        Eleven-o-five.

—        Very good. Or five after eleven. 11 : 20. What time is it?

—        Eleven twenty.

—        11 : 30. What time is it?

—        Eleven half past?

—        Eleven thirty or half past eleven. 11 : 55. What time is it?

—        Eleven fifty-five.

—        Very good. Or we can say “five to twelve.” What about this (11 : 50)?

—        Ten to twelve.

—        12 : 02 / 12 : 03? It’s around twelve. It’s a little after twelve. And this 12 : 58 / 12 : 59? A little before… You say, “It’s almost one o’clock.”

Упражнение 1

Видеоурок:  Выражения со словом bulls

Послушайте и повторите.

It’s six o’clock in the morning. It’s six a.m.

It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. It’s two p.m.

It’s eight o’clock in the evening. It’s eight p.m.

It’s eleven o’clock at night. It’s eleven p.m.

It’s almost noon.

It’s midnight.

Упражнение 2

Посмотрите на часы и ответьте на вопрос What time is it? Составьте ответ самостоятельно и только потом проверьте себя.

  1. What time is it? It’s three o’clock.
  2. What time is it? It’s one twenty-five / It’s twenty-five past one.
  3. What time is it? It’s eleven fifty / It’s ten to twelve.
  4. What time is it? It’s almost two o’clock.
  5. What time is it? It’s about ten thirty / It’s about half past ten.
  6. What time is it? It’s five-o-two. Вы помните, что мы не пишем «ou», мы только говорим так.
  7. What time is it? It’s five forty-two / It’s about quarter to six / It’s about quarter till six.
  8. What time is it? It’s around eleven fifteen / It’s about quarter past eleven / It’s about quarter after eleven.

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