
Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 7 минут 38 секунд

Урок посвящен введению слов — названий цветов. Послушайте разговор Дженнифер и Наташи.

-We have a lot of clothes. Let’s talk about the colors. This is a shirt. Orange shirt. What color is my shirt? My sweater?


-Red. What color is your… ?


-Black. What color are the socks?

-Blue. Dark-blue.

-What color is this?


-Green. Light? Light-green. You’re right. Blue and blue: you’re right, there’s a difference between light – dark. This is light-blue. This is dark-blue. Oh, we have yellow, yes. Oh, we have pink. And do you see my shirt? (Обратите внимание на то, как обозначаются оттенки при помощи слов light – dark).




-Oh, white. You have a white shirt. How about your pants?


-Gray. Mouse-gray. Listen and repeat: orange, red, black, blue, green, yellow, pink, brown, white, gray. Natasha, do you say this? These? This shirt – these socks. Now we can say the color, for example, This is a shirt, this is a yellow shirt. These are blue socks. Can you tell about this?

-This is a blue shirt.

-This is a blue shirt. I’m going to give you clothes, and you’ll tell me a sentence. Okay? This is a blue shirt.

-This is orange t-shirt. (Обратите внимание на пропуск артикля, сейчас Дженнифер подскажет, как исправить ошибку).

-This is an…

-This is an orange t-shirt. This is white t-shirt. (Будьте внимательны: ошибочный пропуск артикля).

-This is a t-shirt. This is a shirt. So this is a…

-…white shirt. This is pink dress. (Наташа опять  пропускает артикль).

-This is a pink dress.

-This is a green skirt. This is red shirt. Be careful: this is a…

-This is a red shirt. This is…


-The are blue jeans. (Еще одна неправильность: не the, а they или these).

Видеоурок:  Новогодние зароки

-Good. They are blue jeans. Or these are blue jeans.

Давайте повторим цвета. Ответьте на вопросы. Я буду спрашивать What color…? Вы будете отвечать It’s…  или They’re... и говорить цвет. Давайте начнем. После того, как вы самостоятельно назовете цвет, я дам правильный ответ для проверки.

  1. What color is the skirt? — It’s green.
  2. What color are the boots? — They’re brown.
  3. What color is the shirt? — It’s orange.
  4. What color is the tie? — It’s purple.
  5. What color are the socks? — They’re white and gray.
  6. What color is the hat? — It’s red.
  7. What color is the sweater? — It’s blue.
  8. What color are the dresses? — They’re yellow and orange.
  9. What color is the coat? — It’s black.
  10. What color are the shoes?

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