Кухня. Что где находится

Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 10 минут 58 секунд

Продолжаем серию уроков для начинающих о комнатах в доме. Послушайте разговор Дженнифер и Наташи.

Jennifer: Now the question is Where. Where is everything? For example, here’s the fruit. Where is the fruit? — It’s on the counter. It’s on the island. So we’re going to practice words like on, next to, between, over or above, under or below, across from. So let’s practice. Tell me where is your sink? (Наш вопрос — Где это находится? Мы отработаем слова такого типа: на, рядом с, между, над, под, напротив).

Natasha: The sink is next to the window. (Мойка возле окна).

Good. The sink is next to the window.

The sink is next to the dishwasher. (Мойка возле посудомоечной машины).

Where is your toaster?

The toaster is on the counter in the corner. (Тостер на кухонном столе в углу).

Very goo

d. So this is the corner. The toaster is in the corner. In the corner and on the counter. This is your microwave. Oh! It’s not your microwave! It’s your dishwasher.

This is the microwave.

Where is the microwave?

The microwave is over the stove. (Микроволновка над плитой).

It’s over the stove. Or above the stove. And your coffee maker?

The coffee maker is next to the stove.

Your refrigerator is over there, right? It’s over there and…

…across? The refrigerator is across from the dishwasher. (Холодильник напротив посудомоечной машины).

Видеоурок:  Фразеологизмы, связанные с зубами

Very good. It’s across from the dishwasher. Your toaster oven is over there. And it’s next to… What?

The refrigerator is next to the toaster oven.

Correct. They are next to each other. The refrigerator is next to the toaster oven. The toaster oven is next to the refrigerator. And you have a lot of cabinets. Where do you have cabinets?

The cabinets are over the counter. (Шкафчики над кухонным столом).

Right. They’re over the counter. They’re above the counter. You have cabinets above and…


Or below. This is your counter, and you have cabinets above and below. Now, you have a cabinet under the sink. I ask you: “What is under your sink?” Is there trash?

No, no. Kitchen things.

Okay. Last question. I’m here in your kitchen. And this is your dishwasher, and this is your stove. Where am I?

Behind? Corner?

Between. So where am I? Between the dishwasher and the stove. (Где я? Между посудомоечной машиной и плитой). You always have coffee. The coffee is on the counter. The coffee is in the sink. The coffee is in the corner. The coffee is on the stove. The coffee is in the microwave. Now the coffee is next to coffee maker.

Давайте повторим.

Where is the cup? Повторите ответы, старайтесь имитировать произношение Дженнифер:

on the desk;

next to the desk;

in the corner;

above the desk;

under the desk;

between the desks;

on the left = to the left of the desk;

on the right = to the right of the desk;

in front of the desk;

behind the desk.


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Посмотрите на картинку. Дайте ответ на вопрос. Давайте вместе разберем пример.

Вопрос: Where are the cabinets? Вы видите шкафчики? Посмотрите на рабочий стол. Правильный ответ: They’re above the counter.

Хорошо. В дальнейшем сначала дайте ответ, потом проверьте его. Теперь вы можете самостоятельно сделать №1.

  1. Where is the fruit? -The fruit is on the counter.
  2. Where is the refrigerator? — It’s next to the door.
  3. Where is the clock? — It’s above the door. / It’s over the door.
  4. Where is the oven? — It’s under the microwave. / It’s below the microwave.
  5. Where is the dishwasher? -It’s next to the sink. / It’s to the left of the sink.
  6. Where is the fruit? -It’s in the corner.
  7. Where are the white dishes? -They’re in the cabinet.
  8. Where is the sink? -It’s next to the window. / It’s in front of the window.
  9. Where is the oven? -It’s across from the island.
  10. Where are the lights? -They’re over the island. / They’re above the island.
  11. 11.  Where is the rug? -It’s in front of the oven.

Where is the rug? -It’s between the oven and the island.

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