Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 5 минут 15 секунд
В этой части мы продолжаем рассмотрение ударений в словосочетаниях и предложениях.
Упражнение 5
Послушайте текст. Обратите внимание на ударения в предложениях: они выделены жирным шрифтом и (в многосложных словах) подчеркиванием. Когда дослушаете до конца, вернитесь к началу текста и прочитайте его вслух, делая ударения на тех же самых слогах. Во время чтения вы должны слышать ритм каждого предложения.
The Bee and the Caterpillar
Said the buzzing bee to the crawling caterpillar, “I’m very happy. Autumn is coming!”
Said the depressed insect to the excited one, “Everything excites you. Is there anything you do not find exciting or amazing?”
The caterpillar answered in a bored tone, “I see the world as it is. I’m surprised that you are able to see it differently.”
The bee grew annoyed. It buzzed in anger, “I see the same world as you, but I’m able to see past all that is saddening and horrifying. I choose to see all that is interesting and beautiful. My way is much more gratifying.”
The caterpillar was confused. It saw autumn as anything but wonderful. “What is so thrilling about the coming of autumn?
Do you know what autumn means to an insect like me? The ground grows hard and the wind grows cold. Leaves fall and make it difficult for me to move.”
“I’m shocked by your pessimism!” cried the bee. “Is that all you are able to see?”
“To see?” asked the bee. “Autumn brings changes of astonishing beauty. Do you ever look at the leaves before they fall? In autumn whispering winds blow, and hundreds of red, orange, and yellow leaves wave on branches. The dancing leaves make the trees look alive… the air becomes cooler after summer ends. I find this change to be refreshing. I love to see the shining moon on a cool, autumn night.”
“I do not see what you see. What you see is too far above my head.”
“You do not see because you do not try. Have you ever tried to do more than crawl?”
“I have no wings to help me cry.”
“Then find a different way to get where you want to go. If you want a better view, climb upward.”
The caterpillar was a little embarrassed because it had never thought about trying to climb. It has always crawled. How much time has been wasted! The caterpillar decided to wait until the bee buzzed away. Then it crawled over to the nearest tree and began to climb. The caterpillar took the rest of the day to make it halfway up. By sunset the little insect was tired. The climb had been exhausting. The caterpillar decided to rest for the night. The wind was refreshing but cool.
Without thinking, the caterpillar began to cover itself with a warm, silk cocoon and fell asleep.
The caterpillar slept. It slept and slept. It then slept some more. When the caterpillar finally awoke, it had trouble remembering where it was.
It began to move out of the cocoon. The first thing it saw when it came out was a variety of colors. Red, orange, and yellow leaves looked beautiful against the blue sky. A soft wind blew past its ears and over its body.
The caterpillar found itself being lifted into the wind. It slowly understood that a surprising and wonderful change had occurred while it had been sleeping in the cocoon.
Two beautiful wings were now carrying the insect through the air. It opened its eyes widely and saw the world from a whole new point of view.
Дополнительная практика
Рассказ The Bee and the Caterpillar на самом деле был написан, чтобы помочь студентам, изучающим английский язык, разобраться в причастиях (или отглагольных прилагательных – словах, обозначающих признак по действию).
Для того чтобы выполнить еще одно упражнение, вернитесь к началу текста и попытайтесь найти все причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени, употребленные для обозначения признака.
Вот несколько примеров:
Buzzing bee (жужжащая пчела), crawling caterpillar (ползущая гусеница), … — причастия настоящего времени.
Depressed insect (подавленное насекомое), excited one (некто взволнованный), … — причастия прошедшего времени.
Думаю, такое упражнение окажется полезным. Спасибо, что были с нами. Всего доброго!