Местоимения that — those

Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 9 минут 6 секунд

-Let’s talk about clothes. Natasha, what’s this?


-T-shirt. What’s this? This is a t-shirt.

-What are these?

-This is jeans? (обратите внимание, что Наташа допускает ошибку, отвечая на вопрос в единственном числе).

-Jeans. What are these? Jeans. These are jeans. What are these?

-These are jeans.

-What are these?

-These are socks.

-What is this?

-This is a skirt.

-What is this?

-This is dress. (Наташа пропускает артикль, это неправильно, так что Дженнифер поправляет ее).

Dress. This is a dress. The beautiful dress. Where’s our chalk? Okay. So, remember: jeans, socks. I said: these. What are these? These are jeans. These are socks. We have this – these. Natasha, if I give this to you, I’m going to ask you, “What’s that?” I didn’t say “this”, I said, “What’s that?” (Раз я отдаю тебе это, значит, я спрошу «What’s that?»). Because you have the skirt. This is a skirt – that is a skirt. My question “What is this?” (будьте внимательны: незаметно для себя Дженнифер задает вопрос в единственном числе вместо множественного, сейчас она исправит свою ошибку), but if you’re holding it, my question is, “What are those?” What are these? — What are those? So, if it’s close to us, this – these. That – those. I like you to ask… Let me ask you two questions. Then you ask me two questions. Natasha, what are these?

-This… these… those… Those are socks.

-What is this?

-That is t-shirt. (Наташа пропустила артикль, обратите внимание, что это ошибка).

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That is a t-shirt. Good. Can you ask me questions?

-What is that? (Наташа снова ошибается, ей нужно употребить местоимение this). What is this?

-That is a dress. What else?

-What is this?

-Okay. Jeans has an -s.

-What are these?

-Those are jeans.

-What is this?

-That is a skirt.

-What are these?

-Those are socks.

-What is this?

-That is a t-shirt. Okay. So, Natasha, we say this – that, these – those.

Ответьте на вопросы. Я буду спрашивать What is this? или What are these? Вы отвечаете That’s a... или Those are... Давайте начнем.

  1. What is this? — That’s a dress.
  2. What are these? — Those are jeans.
  3. What are these? — Those are socks.
  4. What is this? — That’s a t-shirt.
  5. What is this? — That’s a skirt.
  6. What is this? — That’s a shirt.
  7. What are these? — Those are pants.
  8. What are these? — Those are shoes.

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