Преподаватель английского языка: JenniferESL
Продолжительность видео урока: 9 минут 49 секунд
In any case, European colonists became Americans and Native Americans had little choice but to accept the many change. The United States grew from 13 states to 50. Today we try our best as a country to recognize everyone’s right to live freely and pursue happiness. It’s not a perfect country, but I’m happy to live here. I look forward to almost every holiday, and that includes Independence Day. Independence Day is a federal holiday, which means that the United States government recognizes it and the entire country celebrates it. Every city has it’s own celebration. I think most Americans are like me and look forward to the holiday. Many families gather for picnics and fun. I myself love to watch fireworks and hear patriotic songs. My children are still too young for fireworks, but I think we’ll at least manage to have a barbeque. In my opinion, good food from the grill is almost as important as watching the fireworks and waving the American flag on Independence Day.
Часть 5
I look forward to almost every holiday.
Look forward to (глагол) — с нетерпением ожидать. Это фразовый глагол, и у него всегда есть прямое дополнение: to look forward to what…
Independence Day is a federal holiday.
Federal (имя прилагательное) — федеральный, общегосударственный, находящийся в ведении правительства США. Общеупотребительное словосочетание — federal holiday.
The entire country celebrates it.
Entire (имя прилагательное) — весь, целый, целиком.
I myself love to watch fireworks and hear patriotic songs.
Patriotic (имя прилагательное) — патриотический, с чувством гордости за свою страну.
I think we’ll at least manage to have a barbeque.
Manage (глагол) — справиться c трудностью, суметь что-то сделать. Общераспространенное выражение: manage to do something (этот глагол требует инфинитива после себя).
Задание по аудированию 2
Послушайте последний раз и постарайтесь понять без помощи какого-либо графического текста.
Начинаем использовать вокабуляр
Ответьте на вопросы. Если вы занимаетесь в одиночку, записывайте свои ответы. Если у вас есть партнер, задавайте вопросы по очереди.
- Was your country ever a colony? If so, when did your country gain independence? If not, did your country ever have colonies?
- Describe an act of protest in your country’s history. Who stood against the government and why?
- Describe a tragedy in your country’s history. Do you feel compassion for those who were hurt?
- Name a federal holiday in your country. Do you know when it was adopted?
- Have you ever gained something at another person’s expense? Has anyone gained something at your expense?
- Describe a change in your life that was gradual.
- Do you feel free to pursue happiness? Do you think you will manage to get all that you want in life?
- Would you call yourself patriotic?
Дополнительный вопрос:
- Are you a history buff? (Buff – человек, который очень хорошо знает какую-то сферу жизни, знаток. Например, мы говорим a car buff — знаток автомобилей).
Вот и все на этот раз. Спасибо, что смотрели, и успешных занятий.